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How Physics helps in everyday life with examples

example of physics in everyday life

We are living in a century in which the introduction of science and technology has transformed our lives. Although at past people had no idea of science, their lives were governed by some principles of science. When we learn about rocks at some terrains of the earth surface, that is geology, when we walk on earth, that is a concept of physics, when we eat food, that is a biological process, and when we light a fire, that is a chemical process. Everything we do is governed by certain branches of Natural science.

Similarly, Physics is one of the most fundamental sciences that govern everything in our lives. The things we do and the things we use. Most people associate physics with famous physicists like Maxwel, Einstein and Newton or impressive high technological experiments such as the large Handron Collider. However, physics is not just something that is done in labs or on a blackboard; it surrounds you. It is everywhere. If you have ever wondered how lenses work, how lightning is formed or just how space rockets function, then you have asked great questions that can be quickly answered by physics. In this post, we will discuss how physics is playing a key role in our everyday lives and also how it helps us do our chores, errands and duties effectively and smoothly.

Construction of Buildings

Ever wondered how physics apply in architecture and designing of buildings? Let's formulate this together. First, physics helps to design the entire structure of any building. This way, the building can stand still and keep everything stable by supporting the entire weight. Through physics, building constructors can understand the type of materials that are most prone to water, light and heat. By comprehending how different vibrations affects different types of building structures, buildings are designed to withstand natural calamities such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Take a second and imagine all the skyscrapers in the city collapsing due to a minor earthquake tremor. Huh! It's high time we take a moment and say thanks to physics. In summary, Physics has helped to create strong and magnificent building structures that stand the test of time hence keeping our lives safe.

Opening and closing of doors

It is amazing to realize that the concepts of physics are useful in opening and closing of building doors. When a hinged door is opened or closed, the phenomenon involved is called torque. Torque is the physical force that is required to twirl an object about fulcrum or an axis. When opening our hinged doors using handles, the production of torque which makes us open the doors easily is applied at the farthest place from the hinge. In case the handle is located closer to the hinge, we will exert more torque for us to open the door hence less production of angular acceleration. Whenever we apply force perpendicular to the door, there is a production of larger angular acceleration. If we apply force on the doorknob, it is important to make sure that the door will rotate to its axis. This action obeys the principle of torque. Broholm in his study in 1997 stated that when a door is opened clockwise, it applies a positive torque while when opened anticlockwise, the torque is negative.

Physics is useful in cooking

The use of Physics in cooking is well illustrated by its branch called thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is primarily concerned with temperature, heat and their relationship with work. Heat energy is easily transferred from one medium to another. This type of energy helps us in cooking. When a pan is put on a burning stove, the water or the food in it is burned hence the heat transfer from the hot burning flames to the cooler parts of the pan. The transfer of heat through solids such as the pan is known as conduction. When the pan is heated, the water molecules start to move to the base of the pan, and after heating up, they move to the surface. This phenomenon of movement of liquid and gases molecules is termed as a convention.

The law of thermodynamics states that energy should be conserved. Although many may argue that the energy and matter in the cooking process are lost, the energy lost by the burning flames is used to heat the water thus there is total conservation of energy. Cooking process satisfies the law of dynamics that work done is due to work energy. (Lathbridge, 2013)

Other applications of physics in our daily lives

The use of electromagnetic radiation has helped in the development of light bulbs, cell phones and microwave ovens. The success of the operation of these devices was due to Maxwell's equations which justifies the single coherent theory. How a fluorescent light bulbs work in your home and the MRI machines in hospitals are easily explained by a branch of physics known as quantum mechanics.

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