Provide us with the precise details of how you need the order completed
Our order form allows you to see how pages/ words you need based on the requirements given by your professor. Select the word count that suits you best.
Note one page double spaced is 275 words and 550 words for single spacedOnce you have filled the form with order details and personal info, Click the "preview button" to set up an account and insert the order details. On the page that loads, click on the order number to upload any files for the order.
Alternatively, you can send the files to with the order number as the email subject
It all depends on the deadline you choose. We do everything in our power to deliver in time
Note; the countdown starts from the moment you pay for your order.Unfortunately, our policy states that payment must be received before we start working on your paper
All payments are processed by Paypal. There is possibly no way we could scam without your credit card details.
The only information held in our database is that your name and contact details, which by the way, you can use random names if you like. However, ensure you have access to the email and telephone number you provide.
Our payment process is secure. All payments are handled by a reputable third party company
We only charge you for the content creation. Formatting and references (All styles) are done free of charge
The total cost due depends on the deadline, Academic level and total page count
All prices are computed by the calculator on the order form based on the requirements you select. The discount you can apply to an order depends on the category it falls in. You can check whether you qualify here.
Upload attachments/files. Contact support in case of any problem.
Our quality department knows which writers complete the best orders for given fields. They assess your order instructions and select a suitable writer to work on your order
If you like the quality delivered by a specific writer, you can request him/her through the support team when placing a new order
Download completed order in your account or Download the copy sent to your email
The completed paper will be available for download in your account under the files sections.
A copy will also be sent to your email once order is complete
If you feel the writer has not delivered as per your expectations, you can request a revision via email or live chat. The support team will set the order on revision
You have 14 days from the date of delivery to do so.
If you need a plagiarism report, you can get one for a small additional cost.
see prices below:
Double-spaced pages:
1-10 pages - $9.99
11 pages and above- $10.99 + $1 per @ additional page.
Single-spaced pages:
1-5 pages - $9.99
6 pages and above -$11.99 + $2 per @ additional page.
Every paper is checked for plagiarism before being sent to you. However, we use PlagScan instead of TurnItIn.
Based on our past uses, PlagScan in an excellent alternative in the plagiarism detection domain
Here are the charges for getting a plagiarism report with your order
Double-spaced pages:
1-10 pages - $9.99
11 pages and above- $10.99 + $1 per @ additional page.
Single-spaced pages:
1-5 pages - $9.99
6 pages and above -$11.99 + $2 per @ additional page.