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How good can you learn English fast?

how to learn english fast

English is ranked as the second most spoken language after Mandarin Chinese. There are many English resources around you to help practice both written and spoken English. Do you want to learn English fast?

Why do you want to Learn English?

It is easy to jump into learning words and grammar, but without the right motivation, you will give up as fast as you started. With a good reason to study English, it becomes easier for you to find the words to learn first and the method of learning to use.

Start by writing down all the reasons why you need to be fluent in English. Do not write down a reason because it sounds better than the actual reasons; this list is yours and doesn't have to be shown to anyone. The reasons you write down have to be good enough to motivate you every day when you attend a learning session.

If you ever feel like giving up, you need to come back to this step and remind yourself why it is essential for you to learn English.

Set your Goals

You will make faster progress if your goals are clear than when you are just studying aimlessly. To set your goals, take a piece of paper and pen, and write down what, precisely, you want to achieve and when you want to make it.

Your goals need to be specific.

Some examples of goals include:

I want to read and understand English articles online within 8 months.

I want to score at least 6.0 in my IELTS English exam to be accepted at Massachusetts University.

Within three months, I want to be able to converse with English speakers in regular topics such as sports and food.

Specific goals have a time limit.

Choose English Resources at your Level

Are you struggling to read this article? If yes, then reading the New York Times will demotivate you, try something less challenging such as VOA Special News in English where you can listen to clear and slow English.

Even though you need a less challenging feat, the resources you use should not be too cheap for you either. For instance, intermediate speakers should not be reading children's books as this will only waste their time. The best resource for you should be simple enough that you can understand the general idea but challenging enough that you have to look up some words in the dictionary.

Check out different resources, discard those that are too challenging or too easy.

Learn New Words and Phrases Everyday

You determine how long it takes to learn the English language. Some students concentrate their efforts in perfecting their grammar and their accents, but the fastest way to learn English is to learn as many words and phrases as possible. You cannot learn how to speak like your favorite BBC news anchor is you do not even know the words to use. Again, most English speakers speak it as a second language; natives do not mind hearing these foreign accents as long as you can express yourself clearly.

Learning new words and phrases is more important than learning grammar. Most native English speakers still struggle with grammar, but they are fluent in English. You can speak fluent English even with grammar mistakes, but you cannot be fluent if you know only a few words.

Practice! Practice!

The easiest way to learn new words is to listen to English speakers and read English resources. However, speaking in English is the best way to learn English fast. With so many English speakers around the world, it is easy for you to practice speaking English. You can, for instance, take a Skype lesson online where you will meet other students to practice with.

It is also in these online classes where you get English answers to challenges you are facing during your English learning mission.

Daily practice is vital in that; it keeps you focused on your goals. Again, when you study every day, you do not forget what you learn and instead build on what you have learnt to better your English skills.

Students who take English classes twice or thrice a week spend their valuable time reviewing what they studied in the last class. Again, if you only attend a class twice a week, missing one session means you only have one session left in a week. This is unlike people who attend classes every day who can easily miss one class without losing anything.

Test! Test!

You will spend time reading online, reading books, watching TV in English and practicing writing and speaking. However, you still need to spare some time to test your knowledge of English. Here, you can use quizzes, flashcard drills and online English questions.

Most importantly, you should not give up even when the lessons feel tough.