The study of biology is vital to our daily lives. Whether you are studying about our existence or the existence of animals around us, biology gives us that deep meaning and answers. Biology is the study of life. As a branch of natural science, biology is divided into two main categories, i.e. botany and zoology. Botany deals with plants while zoology deals with the study of animals.
Biology is the most mysterious discipline on earth. Scientific statistics show that there are around 40 million species on earth, yet there are only about two million species which have been identified. That means there are about thirty-eight million species which are yet to be defined in detail. Therefore, if you have that questing mind which always seeks to invent or find answers about the human and animal existence, then biology the best subject for you. Amazingly biology represents every second of our existence such as breathing, cells receiving oxygen and realizing carbon dioxide, or responds to stimuli, intake, and digestion of food among others. This mystery is what makes the scientists spend their entire career life looking for the perfect answers of how nature works.
So, how important is the study of biology in our daily lives exactly? Continue reading this post and find out how. In this article, we have dished some of the importance of biology in detail.
Biology is a professional career pathway that has vast open arrays of jobs to many students of biology. Through the study of scientific concepts of life in living organisms, students have enhanced their professional careers such as ecologists, nurses, chemists, physicians, teachers, scientists among other professions inclined and non-inclined in science. Surprisingly, even beauty therapists and beauticians need to understand the essentials of biology to effectively deal with fingers, skin, and nails which are vital parts of our body.
Through the study of biology, we are connected to the world around us and how we interconnect with other life forms. With biology, we learn how to conserve our nature which is vital to us and other living species.
Genetics and physiology help us know how our body functions when we breathe, eat or rest. This knowledge helps us to treat diseases, consume proper nutrients and exercise our body.
The knowledge of biology is essential in solving global issues that affect different countries across the globe. Food shortages have affected many developing countries. However, through biology, better and effective long-lasting solutions have been designed to produce more food. Another problem is the pollution which threatens our environment. Thanks to ecology, more effective methods have been developed to conserve the environment giving living organisms healthy balanced interactions.
Biology is a subject of a great deal in research. Most space explorations and landing use animals to do their research. The engineering and biometric studies of drugs have been successful due to the knowledge of biology. Surprisingly, the testing of a capability of destructions of powerful bombs such as atomic and nuclear was done by the use of animals.
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