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Distinctive Differences Between Assignment And Homework

what is assignment

Herbert Spencer once said that the most significant aim for any education is not the knowledge that we obtain from it but the action. This means that it is essential to apply the knowledge which we have learned in a certain subject. Assignments and homework are necessary when learning subjects from its roots. They help to improve the knowledge and skills of the students.

But the big question is, is there any difference between assignment and homework?

For the improvement of any student, the application of both assignment and homework is essential. If you have any doubt on the difference between these two processes, then feel free to read on!

Difference Between Assignment And Homework

Assignment and homework can be well differentiated with various elements. Some of these distinctive elements include

  • Definition
  • Objective or purpose
  • History
  • Word origin
  • Main functions
  • Advantages or benefits

In this post, we shall discuss in detail the differences between this two processes (Assignment and homework) using the elements mentioned above.


An assignment is a piece of work or task that is assigned to a student in the course of study. An assignment generally gives the student a clue on the objectives and the purpose of a particular class of research.

On the other hand, homework is a piece of work or task that a student is assigned by his or her teacher to complete it outside the classroom setting, mostly at home.

Objective Or Purpose

An assignment and homework meet different goals. An assignment helps a student to understand the studying process well. Through helping a student to learn how to study, a student will learn a specific subject very well.

Homework meets different purposes especially when done regularly. Some of these purposes include:

  • It helps the students to improve their skills
  • When done on a daily basis, homework can be a gateway to exam preparation
  • When a student does homework with the seriousness it deserves, he or she will be able to understand a particular topic.
  • Homework encourages teamwork through group discussions. These group discussions help the students to interact with each other hence there is an intense exchange of vital information.
  • Homework can be used as a tool for increasing the confidence of a student after understanding numerous topics. This makes it hard to forget those topics.
  • Conventionally, homework is used as a tool to create an excellent interpersonal relationship between students and their friends, teachers, and parents.


An assignment and homework have different accounts. The word assignment originate from old French assignment which was a phrase used in the late Middle English. The term homework can be traced back from 1350 to 1400. It originated from the phrases "Medieval Latin assignamentum" and "Middle English assignment."

Main Function

The element of the primary function can be used to differentiate between an assignment and homework. An assignment can be used to point out what should be done, give a guide on the procedure of completing a particular task, a source of motivation in performing work and also, to give a review of the difficulties that can be encountered when completing a task. Besides, an assignment can be used to suggest the solutions that can be used to overcome such problems.

Homework on the other side is primarily used to identify the challenges or difficulties that are faced by the students on a particular topic. This process can also provide viable solutions to the problems and challenges. For example, homework helps students to prepare very well for their examinations.


Various advantages are associated with an assignment. These advantages can easily be used as a differentiation element for assignment and homework. Some of the merits for assignment include

  • Helps students to revise a particular topic
  • Gives the student the ability to understand and tackle a specific problem
  • Helps in boosting the students' confidence
  • Assignments are useful when polishing the student's knowledge

Homework has the following advantages to a student:

  • Helpful when understanding a specific topic
  • Homework gives a student some insight to research on the subject matters regarding a particular homework.
  • Homework provides the student with a platform to prepare for an exam

Teachers should use both assignment and homework to improve the skills of a student. If you are seeking reliable assignment help online, do not hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you out! That's why our "pay for homework help" services is affordable to cater for the needs of every student.